School Life
When it comes to encouraging youngsters to develop enquiring minds, Riverside Academy would be hard to beat. Learners are trained to have a unique culture of trust, respect, responsibility and independence. Our activities are designed by experienced childcare experts to capture the imagination of every child.
Using creative approaches to stimulate young minds, our committed and dedicated staff offer a wide range of methods which will give a sound base for future education.
A positive attitude is taken towards discipline and pupils are encouraged to see the link between good behaviour and academic success, through our Behaving to Learn Policy, which includes a reward system. Naturally, poor behaviour will bring some sanctions. We also take a serious view of any incidents of bullying or intimidating behaviour. The School's Anti-bullying Policy is rigorous and simple. Bullying will not be tolerated.
At Riverside Academy, we pride ourselves on the caring and supportive relationships that exist at all levels within the community. In and out of the classroom, pupils are encouraged to show sense of reasonability and concern for standards and the quality of relationships.
Your Child's Health And Safety
We take measures to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of pupils, staff and visitors to the school. We also follow strict guidelines on the safety and care of children taking part in visits and outdoor activities.
Children who are ill during the school day are always instructed to report to the first-aider at the Reception. If a pupil suffers an accident at school, immediate attention is given. If the injury is of a minor nature, first aid will be administered. Should a professional care be thought necessary, parents would be contacted at once (please note the importance of emergency contact details). Records of all accidents are kept in the school.
If your child needs to take medicine during the day, please inform the office in writing giving your permission for it to be administered. All medicines must be clearly labelled with the child's name and instructions for administration.
To Excuse Your Child From Physical Activities:
If your child is unable to take part in any activity please send a note to his / her teacher explaining why .
Money And Property
The school cannot accept responsibility for money or property lost on the premises.
Absence From School
Children are expected to attend School regularly unless they are unwell or have the permission to be absent which could be because of a family crisis. This ensures continuity of work and strong, reliable relationships with peers. Children do experience problems when work is missed, so the more often an absence can be avoided, the better. When a child is unavoidably absent a telephone message would be appreciated but a note (very brief) is also needed for the tutor on the day the child returns to School. The school sets an attendance target of 95% for each pupil yearly. If a note is not received, the absence will be noted as unofficial' in your child's record and become part of our attendance statistics published periodically.
Office hours are from 07.45 a.m to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday .
Contact: 0240 849 800
School Uniform
Riverside Academy insists on wearing a recognised school uniform. It does so because it wishes its children to have a recognisable identity, both among themselves and in the wider community. All pupils are expected to conform to the school uniform requirements an outward expression of their commitment to the values of the school. The wearing of the defined uniform is a condition of attendance at the school.
We would ask you to support us by ensuring that your child comes to school suitably dressed. We discourage any labelled and designer goods as this puts pressure on parents to buy unnecessarily expensive clothes and introduces an element of competition among the children.
No jewellery apart from stud or small sleeper earrings may be worn in school. Studs and sleepers must be taped over for any physical activity
Have any concerns ?
Call us on 0240 849 800